Swimming Pool Contractors Pretoria

You need a swimming for workout, leisure, and recreation. Whether it is a below-the-ground or above-the-ground pool, you need a qualified contractor to help you install it. Swimming pools have various shapes, depths, and sizes. You’ll need to discuss that with a swimming pool installation expert in Pretoria beforehand.

Common Types of Swimming Pools

Types of swimming pools depend on the materials used to make them. They include concrete, fiberglass, and vinyl. When choosing a swimming pool, bear in mind the climatic conditions in which you operate. While vinyl and fibreglass are ideal for cold areas, concrete is great for warmer regions.

Here is a detailed description of all of these types of swimming pools:

  • Fiberglass Pools: Fiberglass pools are usually pre-fabricated before installation. During the manufacturing stage, molds of fiberglass-reinforced plastic are used. The completed basin shape is then installed in the site you’ve chosen. But first, swimming pool builders in Pretoria place a base material at the bottom.
  • Concrete Pools: Building a concrete swimming pool involves emptying concrete into a conventional timber formwork. The contractor first excavates a hole before fastening steel rods into place. In the next step, the Pretoria swimming pool builder empties concrete into the pool shell and installs tiles and plaster finish.
  • Vinyl-Lined Pools: Vinyl-lined pools are waterproofed by installing a vinyl material at into an excavated ground. Soon after excavation, the contractor installs a timber, plastic, or metal frame wall. After filling it with sand, the vinyl lining is secured to the wall. The pool is then filled with water.

Swimming Pool Installations Pretoria

There are certain things you must do as you prepare to install a swimming pool. First, you must select one of the best swimming pool contractors in Pretoria. Look for a company with several years of experience installing swimming pools in the city and the surrounding areas.

Second, you must prepare the space where you’ll install the pool. Besides the excavation site, you’ll need space for holding the crane. With that, it would be possible to maneuver the swimming pool shell into the excavated hole. Talk to your neighbor if you can only access the site via their property.

You should then choose the type of pool you wish to install. It could be a concrete, vinyl, or fiber. Choose a material that can work well in your area and which you can afford. Also, the swimming pool builders in Pretoria should be able to work with the materials.

How to Choose the Right Site for a Swimming Pool

Choosing the right site for a swimming pool is critical. In that case, you must choose a spot that makes it easier for you to:

  • Be in the open sun
  • Prevent breezes that increase vaporization
  • Prevent the build-up of mud and flooding
  • Avoid overhead electric wires and underground sewer lines
  • and keep it within the view of the house

Clearly, swimming pool installation is a precise art that requires the presence of the right ingredients. There are several swimming pool contractors in Pretoria but not all are the same. Talk to us today for a quotation on your swimming pool installation works.